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New Reads ...

Books are a slippery world full of sublime footings. We wander into the words, oftentimes uncertain, as if meeting a stranger, and we carry the knowledge that every good friend was once a stranger. We meet with passing glances, waiting for the other to speak, to provide a semblance of who they are, why we should trust, how we should care, and what we have in common. We meet in the middle somewhere, holding a tether of mutual understanding. Our time with the tangible is often brief, but it’s the words that stay, and sometimes, when those words are good, it’s what hides behind them that we remember. This prepares us with better traction as we progress through the next slippery world.

We are happy to announce the release of our two newest books. Both are scheduled for print early December, and will reach your mailbox before Christmas. If you order early, you will save 10% off the cover price.

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